ReadyMadeLoans | Online Loans Business Offer

  • Your Loans Business

    Start your own Online Loans Business with our fantastic Ready Made Loans Sites ready connected to South Africas banks and lenders ready for you to offer loans from your own site. All customer support, enquiries , application progress and payouts are managed by our Loan Providers.  Supported by our fantastic marketing learning webinars, marketing learning documents and support to help you build your own Online Loans  Business.

    We provide everything you need , Your Own Ready Made Loan Site, Ready Populated with Lenders, Customer Support, Payments Management and more, when your customers make a successful loan application you are paid commission!

    What the Sale Includes for <-- Click for live site

    • Your own Online Loans Website ready with lenders
    • Choose your own domain name which we will register and provide a logo
    • All applications, support and communications by our lenders 
    • Submitted to Google Indexing 
    • South Africa Active Lenders ready from day one
    • Sales & Traffic Monitoring for your traffic , application and sales
    • 5* back office support
    • Mobile Device Responsive design
    • FREE Access to our 30 Online Marketing Training Documents
    • FREE Access to our 30 Business Knowledgebase Documents
    • FREE Access to Support Management System and Staff
    • FREE Access to our Weekly Training Webinars
    • FREE Hosting for 12 Months

    This store is delivered to you in 7 days

  • How It Works

    How it works:
    • We provide you with your Ready Made Loans Website
    • You choose your Loan Site Domain name
    • You create Commission income by driving traffic to your Loans Site
    • When users complete a successful application you are paid a commission
    • We provide instant access to all the reports you need to analyse and report on your traffic and sales
    • Commission payments are made every month
  • Income

    Income Potential

    As a Loans Businees Owner you will receive commission of all successful loan applications made in your business, ensuring quick, consistent and strong growth. It is in our interest to help you grow, we provide all the support and tools you need to do this, Individual revenue will vary depending on the quality of the application.  

    You can create an ongoing  income for you and your family with high loan success rates, this provides you with an ongoing income; the best income you can make is the one you make when you are sleeping.

    We do not set targets; you are free to develop the business at your own pace allowing you to grow how and when you want. We are here to support you as and when you need.

    If you were to generate @10 loan applications per day you would be expected to earn @R175,300 per year.

    Benefits to your clients
    • Large panel of lenders to choose from
    • Excellent Loan Rates
    • Payouts made quickly
    • Professional Service and Support
  • Commission Rates

    How much you are paid in commission depends on the quality of the loan application

    • Group A : R48 per application
    • Group B : R38 per application
    • Group C : R28 per application
    • Group D : R20 per application
    • Group E : R10 per application